Our past should not dictate our future

but without intervention,
the heartbreak and hurt will continue.

Breaking the cycle of abuse, homelessness and chaos is incredibly difficult to do alone.
My House Ministry and caring difference makers like you help:

Break the cycle of
abuse & addiction
strong communities
Unite families and see
lives changed forever

Meet some of the women that changed their lives …

Jennifer"I arrived at My House Ministry as a very vulnerable and lost soul, as I was only 90 days into my healing and sober journey. I was extremely nervous, but the moment I stepped into the house I knew this is where I was meant to be."Read full story ...
Jennifer“I had recently left an alcoholic and abusive marriage and left with the clothes on our back
and three young boys.”
Listen to her story ...
Amanda“I learned that I was going to be facing a divorce.
It was pretty shocking. It was something I tried
to avoid ….. so now I was homeless.”
Listen to her story ...
CharelleWe've been here for 5 months. The best
decision I've made to be honest. The amount of
work I have been doing on myself has been so good for me and my daughter. It's even better when people can tell. Honestly one of my favorite compliments. MHM has been so good to us.

Meet some of the women that changed their lives …




We meet one-on-one several times
weekly with each resident.


Develop a goal specific program that includes budgeting, spiritual growth, and connections to resources in our community


Journey together (up to 18 months) and discover a hope filled fresh start.

“I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least
of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me.”

Matthew 25:40

Breaking the cycle of abuse, homelessness and chaos is incrediably difficult to do alone.

Let’s Journey Together.

Women coming from shelter, rehab, re-entry and other programs cannot afford safe and stable housing.

The median rent for one bedroom in Ottawa County:

$1,016 FMR

The minimum wage needed to afford one bedroom:


The average income of women coming into our program:


We are one of the few organizations in Ottawa County to provide a faith-based transitional housing program just for women and their children. We help those women willing to actively participate in their personal, spiritual, and emotional growth, who seek to make permanent change in their lives.

Donate today to help us help women change their lives….permanently!

Breaking the cycle of homelessness is incredibly difficult for a woman to do alone.
At My House Ministry, we restore hope and self worth so women can break free
from the chains of the past and embrace a new beginning.